

Welcome to the Order of the Opus Gluei!!!

New challenges every two weeks and open to YOUR interpretation - all art forms are welcome!

Come and play with us!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Challenge #11 - Sun/Sunshine

Before we get to this week's challenge, let's see who participated last week -

the theme was "Off Color" - which meant to make something using colors you don't really care for or rarely use.


Kristen - An official Green Horn here at Opus Gluei - submitted this wonderful prose to color. We love her take on last weeks challenge and applaud her talent.

love all the colors
each and every one
except the orangey hue my brown hair gets while sitting in the sun
i love ever color
all across the land
except for shirts, or shoes or pants, in any shade of tan
each and every color
can make me sing a tune
except i really, really hat that awful one maroon
of all the colors in the world
there's not one i'd shy away
except a gloomy, dreary, dark shade of muddy grey
the thing is with color
is there are a few i do not like
but when they're mixed with others my hatred takes a hike.


Connie submitted this gorgeous little piece of art. I love how she took her least fav color and used it as the dominant color for this great layout.


Elizabeth used her least fav color, coral, in this wonderful card. I really love how she also used a rarely seen embellishment from her stash. Way to go.


Kathy used some "weird" (her word) color varigated yarn to make this lovely creation. These came together to make a very pretty piece. We sometimes like to pretend we can crochet, but have never made anything this great. Maybe we should start pretending more often. Practice makes perfect...


Fran used some of her off colors to make this adorable card and created a really vibrant and fun submittal!


Chat Noir - This is really cute - you wouldn't know that green isn't her favorite color (it's not mine either, sayeth the Rosemary) - it will be fun to see when you do it in your favorite black and white combo though! (Green IS my fav color, and I LOVE THIS CARD. Says Jana)


Smilyn Stef (love that name) - made a great colorful card - love the pop of color! The primary colors are terrific on this card. Love the owl.


Ivolina made a really classic and elegant black and white card!


Phinny made two cards for this challenge. She stays away from the dreaded pastels. (Like Jana does. Rosemary doesn't have this particular aversion to pastels. Oil & Water there.)


Okay, so the theme this week is going to be simple because shoot, it is already JUNE - what the heck?


Time and life and everything is going a million miles an hour and well, who needs complications? Besides, the air is starting to get warm here in the Northern Hemisphere and the pool just opened and well, it is time for fun in the sun - so our theme is "SUN/SUNSHINE" - and all we're asking is that you use a sun or sunshine in your submittal - like always, any form is applauded. A photo of a beautiful sunrise (EXCELLENT), a postcard you made with a sun on it (PERFECT), stamped suns all over a card (AWESOME) - you get the drift!


Jana - I made a layout for my ALL ABOUT ME album. I have decided that I want to leave a bit of information for my children and their children about what makes me tick. I used the rays of the sun to list things that make me SHINE right now. No pictures. Just what makes me tick.

The writing on the sun says:
"Just as the sun brings flowers to life, these things help me to Shine."

And here's a detail shot. I love plumerias. Couldn't help but add them to this page.


Rosemary here - this is a continuation of last week's album for this summer's adventures. This is going to be the title of the mini-album and I was inspired by a Sam's Club flyer that had this sun on it (still going to try and use it sometime on an ATC, but that's another story). Anyway, here it is with Stickles, QK diecuts, ribbons, Prima flowers, and the kitchen sink is in there somewhere!

This is another page because Sunshine is actually my husband's nickname for me (aw, I love that fella) He is the sunshine in my life - he makes me happy when skies are gray - but he will know and does know how much I love him!

This is Rosemary still, Mr. Linky is giving me fits and starts (Mr. Linky doesn't listen to a thing I tell him to do, he's very stubborn). So, I'm going to ignore him for a week. Please just link your submittal in the comments. Sorry about the Mr. Linky "issue," we'll go and get some counseling. Maybe it will help.
Also, we're now a Sunday to Sunday blog - makes things easier!

Anyway - HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEK! As always, Adhevium Funnum!


Amrita said...

Well done gals

Anonymous said...

Hello! *waving* I'm a newbie but am loving the talent and laughter here. I made a card a few days ago for last week's off color challenge, but - dang it!, didn't get it posted to my blog in time. So here it is, a day late and a dollar short (story of my life! *wink*).

I look forward to chatting and doing more fun challenges here. Thanks so much!


Kristen H said...

I love your great sun pieces, girls!!! Great stuff. I am home and off to play along with your Sunshine Day challenge. All I can hear is the Brady Bunch singing Sunshine Day!!! Too Funny.

I'll Be Back!

Anonymous said...

Aw... thanks for adding my cards! Like I said, I did MAKE them last week, just didn't get them posted in time. I appreciate it!!

Now on to sun and sunshine. It's gorgeous, hot (for us) and sunny here in the Pacific NW so I've got my inspiration!

Thanks again!


Unknown said...

Here it is.. my take on the Sun...
Thanks for showing my card. It made me smile.

Kristen H said...

Here it is!
Thanks for coming by and checking it out. I hope you get a giggle from it!

Ivolina said...

Rosemary and Jana, great work. I love your sunshine projects,
Here is my Sunny ATC for this challenge.