

Welcome to the Order of the Opus Gluei!!!

New challenges every two weeks and open to YOUR interpretation - all art forms are welcome!

Come and play with us!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Challenge #12 - Sand and shells

Use sand and/or shells to inspire your creation this month. Here in the US it is hot and beach weather. Bring a bit of the outdoors inside. Into the air conditioned rooms. If you are in the southern hemisphere, bring some of the warmth of the hot beach inside with you. Use the real thing, or a picture. Use the sand and shells for inspiration. The patterns on the shells, the texture of the sand, the memories of a distant or not too distant trip...

The above album was made using some envelopes I got from the Dollar Store, Basic Grey papers, Quickutz dies, my bind it all and the covers (front and back) are up-cycled packing from a paper pack. Stamps are known, but not at the moment. I used Stazon ink.

This album was made using Quickutz dies, I don't remember the papers, 3/4 inch binder rings and assorted ribbons. I made some of the pictures the whole pages.

Rosemary is on vacation, but will post her project soon.

Have fun Rosemary.


Now check out the projects from those who contributed to our Challenge #11 Theme - Sun/Sunshine

First up is Fia who made a beautiful and contemplative layout of a gorgeous sunset over the Pacific Ocean!

Our next beautiful project is a card from our new friend Fran, with such a cheerful sunny card that it can't help but put a smile on your face!

If it's an Opus-Gluei challenge you KNOW Kristen is going to have a witty take on it and this card is NO exception! Really makes me chuckle with that expression on her face! (I'm still chuckling because I often think that expression in the office!)

Ivolina brings us a bright and happy ATC with a burst of the sun!

Bobbi interpreted our theme with this wonderful Sunflower card. I just love that she took the theme and made it her own.

Now show us your creations using Sand and/or Shells for inspiration.


Bobbi said...

This is my first post with the Order of the Opus and it isn't even for this weeks challenge, it for Challenge #11 - I've always been known for being a little slow. You will also notice it's not even a Sun but a Sunflower -- oh well what the heck, - so take a peek here is my blog link (if I did it right)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Bobbi! *waving* Welcome!

And I did it! (On time even - whoot! *grin*)

I confess that when I read the theme for this week, I thought there was no way I could come up with something for this challenge. Then about 20 minutes later, ding, ding, ding! I remembered I had cut an image the night before for something and ended up not using it. Well, this particular image could not have been more perfect. So I put one and one together and came up with eight! Everything came together really fast and easily. I love that.

I guess that just might be why these are called challenges, huh? LOL

Have a great week, all!


Kristen H said...

Here is mine
Thanks for the fun challenge! hope you had a great weekend!

Chat Noir said...

Hi Ladies, finally got my act together and here it is:

Thanks for the motivation to plan a holiday to the warmth!!

Casii said...

I'm even kind of on time this week! Gotta say I'm loving the sunny, sandy, travel direction because I'm finally getting a big trip worked on.

Kathy said...

I didn't see anywhere else to post, girls. I appologize for my lack of participation this summer and my "late entry" about the 4th. Lots of irons in the fire and always a day late!!!!!! BTW, the Blueberry Sangria was awesome....I'd Highly recommend it!