

Welcome to the Order of the Opus Gluei!!!

New challenges every two weeks and open to YOUR interpretation - all art forms are welcome!

Come and play with us!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Challenge #13 - How does your Garden grow?

There is something so magical about watching the seasons change - one minute the trees and grass are this faint springtime shade of green and then WHOOSH - everything turns lush and full with growth. Fields are just starting to see the efforts of plowing and planting with the first shoots of new crops growing. Farmers' markets full of delicious, healthy food to enjoy!

So this week's theme is all about the growing. Do you like to visit a farmers' market, grow herbs in containers, have raised flower beds, or just like to live vicariously through gardening magazines and catalogs? Whatever you enjoy, let's try to capture it in a crafty manner. Just make whatever sings to you on this challenge and link it to us here. Try to capture something representing GROWTH (leaves, flowers, trees, etc.)
Now, that shouldn't be too hard to do, right?

Remember your entry can be ANYTHING - photo, ATC, blog entry, journaling, layout, card, mini, moo, inchie, twinchie, postcard, etc. WE LOVE EVERYTHING CRAFTY!!!

Rosemary here (Jana - don't faint at my color choices) and I made a card for this week's challenge. It is using the quote "Friendship is a sheltering tree" from the Youth and Age poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. I used colors that are outside my comfort zone but for the person it is intended for they are MOST appropriate. I used the QuicKutz Reuse kit (spring special edition kit) and a scrap of BG Lime Rickey and SEI Mimosa papers, the ribbon is from le extensive stash du Rosemarie (very exclusive too - smirk). I like the radiant quality of the leaves motif here like friendship radiating warmth, love, and acceptance.

Jana here - I have had this quilt block kit forever. I decided to break it out and get my garden going. Of course this will be a project that takes longer than a week. I still have to work and these kids say they are hungry like every day. Geesh. But here is the progress I have made so far. I am really liking these blocks. Not quite sure that I want to make a quilt though.

Maybe they should be placemats.

Or perhaps a wall hanging.

Or pillows. (Rosemary here - why Jana these are GORGEOUS and heck, why not make something lovely and send it to a friend - HINT HINT HINT)(smirkedy smirk again)

Now show us how your garden grows.

Last week we had several great contributions - love love love all the different takes on the theme! This is Rosemary here and I was supposed to upload an image for last week and would have done so (even on vacation, why not), but then a family emergency kind of skewed things and well, I've been a bad Rosemary for being crafty. I need to be, I want to be, and perhaps I'll simply post my entry for last week's great theme later.

Phinny made a beautiful card using a vintage image (I love anything with a vintage or retro theme!) - So cute and perfect for the challenge!

Kristen brought her sense of humor to this challenge with her card and its sentiment (that's SOME SPF there, Kristen)

Chat Noir made a wonderful card with a real sense of texture and mood - love the real shells and those flip flops on the sand - and for a moment you forgot it was cool in your hemisphere (hopefully)

Casii, the most patient Opus-Gluei follower in the world (;-D, sayeth the Rosemary), made a fun layout that absolutely captures the mood of fun and action!

All of these are wonderful. It's never too late to make a project for any of our challenges. Just let us know and we'll go check it out.


Bobbi said...

great cards ladies.

Ivolina said...

Very beautiful cards and nice patchwork thing. I like them very much.
My card for this challenge is here

Kristen H said...

Fun, fun, fun as always. I had to make sure I at least did your challenge this week. I didn't feel much like making cards. I have spent a lot of time laying in bed and watching horror/gore movies. It makes me feel better. If that isn't sick, I don't know what is!!!
Great posts, Here is mine
Hugs, Kristen.

Anonymous said...

Nice work everyone! So fun to see all of the different interpretations - all the fun colors and styles.

Here is mine for the Growth Challenge:

for2nately said...

Hi Ladies! Sorry I've missed the last two challenges! Here's mine for "how does your garden grow?" :)

Chat Noir said...

Almost didn't make it, but here's mine!

Have you any idea how many non-black and white cards you two have inspired me to make? Its scary out here in the uncomfortable zone.

Bobbi said...
here's my post for the Challenge 13

Casii said...

I just posted a much belated card for How Does Your Garden Grow. It was done last week, but in getting ready to leave for Creation, I didn't get the chance to upload and post!