Greetings to you all. This week we want you to look to yourself for inspiration. Yup.
Use the SHIRT OFF YOUR BACK for inpiration.
It's that simple. No other requirements. Just look down and start creating...
It's that simple. No other requirements. Just look down and start creating...
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Rosemary here and anybody who has seen my projects here or at my personal blog knows that well, I love pink - A LOT. In fact, to catch a wild Rosemary you must bait the trap with chocolate, bling, and pink. In fact, when Jana and I agreed on this challenge theme, I figured, it's probably going to be something pink. Here's my inspiration, a pink summery cotton tunic with lots of cute cutout details that takes it from meh to yeah.
Below the inspiration is the doily (yep, still making those) that to me captures the feel of the shirt. There's the shape and design of the doily which makes me think the paisley and flowery cutout shapes of the shirt, the color in all its sweetness (the inchie is from Jana, and I love using it and having it to enjoy all the time in sight), and even the flower and hearts have a girly/sweet lighthearted appeal reminiscent of the inspiration clothing.
Rosemary here and anybody who has seen my projects here or at my personal blog knows that well, I love pink - A LOT. In fact, to catch a wild Rosemary you must bait the trap with chocolate, bling, and pink. In fact, when Jana and I agreed on this challenge theme, I figured, it's probably going to be something pink. Here's my inspiration, a pink summery cotton tunic with lots of cute cutout details that takes it from meh to yeah.
Below the inspiration is the doily (yep, still making those) that to me captures the feel of the shirt. There's the shape and design of the doily which makes me think the paisley and flowery cutout shapes of the shirt, the color in all its sweetness (the inchie is from Jana, and I love using it and having it to enjoy all the time in sight), and even the flower and hearts have a girly/sweet lighthearted appeal reminiscent of the inspiration clothing.
Jana here: I started out with a pink shirt on my bod. It's just a T-shirt, but it has a bit of ruffle around the collar. I don't normally wear pink, so I thought that this would be the perfect thing to use for inspiration. I just "knew" I would make something pink and ruffley. As it turned out, it didn't quite happen that way.
My first project was these inchies. They are pink. No ruffles. Oh well, whatcha gonna do. Sometimes plans just don't work out. If you click on the picture, you can see the phone outline on the "call me" inchie.
(Rosemary sneaking in here - I love these, she makes the most incredible inchies - I'm just sayin')*
Then I found this card in my stash. I didn't make it new, but it reminds me of a shirt that my sister sent to me. The shirt has the Effel Tower on it. The shirt isn't pink, but the tower is there.
I have been making digitally designed bookmarks, so I threw a pink one in the mix.

And lastly, I made this ATC. I have a pink shirt that has some beading on the neckline. Well, one thought led to another thought and I realized that although I don't have a shirt that this is inspired by, I would love a shirt like this. Sort of. Kinda.

That's all I have for this week. I think it sorta makes up for being a slouch last week. Hopefully.
(Oh my gosh, you weren't a slouch last week and I love these projects! - Fellow Poobah Rosemary)
This week we are trying something a little different. We decided to put up the previous weeks entries at the bottom of the challenge for the week. Hope it inspires you .
Last week we challenged you to break out the little bits and pieces of paper and scraps you have lying around, and to use them in your project for the week. Rosemary was a good Poobah, she actually made a project. Jana was a slacker. It's just how we roll. We know that life has a way of getting in the way sometimes. So, we want to remind you that if you "miss" a week it's okay. We still LOVE you. If you want to submit a project for a previous challenge. GO AHEAD. We want to see it. We really don't have deadlines. Art is supposed to be fun. (Plus we aren't paying, so we don't feel as though we can really impose deadlines on anyone.)
So, without further rambling, and in no particular order, here are the wonderfully, creative projects that were submitted for last weeks challenge:
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Deb's Paris card is gorgeous. I love the bottle cap. And the cameo is perfect here.
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Chat Noir made two of the most unique ATC's using bits found around the house.
I love the "blood drips" on this one.
Hope the kitty doesn't mind her sealing up some of the food.
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Amy's Alice is certainly dreamy.
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Deanna has cleverly used a real puzzle piece covered with paper to match her card.
Marielle's wedding couple is too cute with all that bling,.
Marielle's wedding couple is too cute with all that bling,.
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Electra made a couple of ATC's that are just fabulous.
Electra made a couple of ATC's that are just fabulous.
I love the little touches to the ballerina.
You Poobahs have sure been prolific this week! Very cool work, all of it! Thanks for yet another fun challenge!
Fabulous samples ladies! Thanks for another fun and/or strange challenge! Sending hugs!!
Sorry, I couldn;t find anywhere to comment on the post above this one..just wanted to say I love the pink doiley!
Love your inspiration this week Poobah's! The red and white check dp reminds me of a sun suit I wore when I was 8 years old. I loved it so much I bought my daughter a similar one when she was little. Yea, 50 years ago we wore "sun suits", looked similar to a bathing suit, 1 piece, elastic at the waist and legs and the top tied on the shoulders with spaghetti straps. How's that for dating myself, lol. Thanks for a fun challenge. ~Diane
Love seeing all last weeks Ephemera projects.
I also love the Poobah's inches, bookmark and doilies!
I'm on time, I'm on time!
Doing a happy tick tock dance :-)
Wot? I see no tardy time keeping white rabbit here! Hick hick and dainty burpage, however I think it might have been a mistake to follow the Drink Me instructions.
I know, I know that everyone else gets it done on time and you are thinking what's she making all the fuss about but for me this is a huge achievement :-)
Also, Spanky is putting the finishing touches on a holiday snap of herself for Far Out, but I pushed her out of the way to get this one done.
There is nothing quite like fighting over your crafting space with a Diva Guinea-Pig with glamour dusted ears :-o
Do I talk too much???
Hey there Diane! I had a sunsuit! that dating me too! {EEK!} lol! Really enjoying this challenge again poobahs! FABULOUS theme! :)
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